Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New and Improved Moleskinery

Im outta New York headin down to Baltimore, where I plan to ruminate on which direction to go with this hear drawing.  My plan is to add shades of grey...but in my heart of hearts i think a few bold colors throughout is the best possible outcome.  This one just kinda grew and grew, i didnt plan it out.  But now that its here it reminds me of the Temptation of St. Anthony images that Bosch did.  So, if a theme helps folks out, that can be the theme, or just charecter pajama parties.



ratty said...

Wow, this is really awesome!! Maybe you could do shades of grey with some well placed color (maybe some reds) dispersed throughout. What ever you chose, this piece is amazing!!!

Pedro Lucena said...

Man, it is sooooo cool!
Great work!
I love it!

/// said...


david bessent said...

that's amazing!